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When should I start the recruiting process?

  1. The Earlier, the Better
    • Limited Scholarships: Coaches have a finite number of scholarships to offer each year. Starting early increases your chances of securing one.
    • Limited Roster Spots: College teams have a limited number of roster spots available. Early engagement ensures you're considered before spots fill up.
    • Time for Paperwork and Research: Starting early gives you ample time to complete all necessary paperwork, research potential schools, and make an informed decision about the best fit for you.
    • Showcase Development: Beginning the process early allows you to showcase your development and improvements over time, making you a more attractive candidate to coaches.
  2. When You Are Ready
    • Understanding the Commitment: It's essential to understand the demands and expectations of playing and studying in the US. Make sure you're fully aware of what this step entails.
    • Family Support: Ensure that your family is supportive and behind your decision, as their encouragement and assistance will be crucial throughout the process.
    • Academic Preparedness: Make sure your academic performance meets the eligibility requirements for college admissions and athletic participation.

Starting the recruiting process early maximizes your opportunities and allows you to navigate the complexities involved with greater ease. However, ensuring you're personally ready and supported is equally important for a successful transition.For more detailed information on when coaches can start recruiting, refer to this blog post.

Generally, coaches can begin contacting athletes in their junior year of high school, but specific dates and rules vary by sport and division.

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